Here’s why you need to start adding Chlorophyll in your water


Back in the summer of 2018, as I was prepping for my December wedding, I was eating the cleanest I’ve ever eaten and on a reformer pilates kick as a former Classpass member. I was always seeking ways to have the most optimal skin and physical health. At the time, I’ve been hearing about people consuming chlorophyll to get their daily intake of greens in, and touting all the skincare benefits they were receiving from using it. I was sold and began doing my own research. I soon realized it was something I could easily incorporate into my daily routine and it won’t feel like a huge disruption.

You may be wondering, WTH is Chlorophyll? It’s the green pigment found in plants that helps them to absorb sunlight and convert it into energy. Nowdays, you can get concentrated forms of Chlorophyll in a bottle with a dropper to add to your smoothie or water. Drinking chlorophyll has been shown to have a number of health benefits. Here are five reasons why I began drinking chlorophyll and why I think you should give it a try too:

  1. Promotes healthy digestion: Chlorophyll has been show to help improve digestion by reducing inflammation and promoting healthy gut bacteria. This helps if you are aiming to detox your body and rid it of any toxins lingering in your gut. A healthy gut inturn results in clear and healthy skin. 

  2. Reduces body odor: Body odor who? Apparently, Chlorophyll has been shown to have deodorizing effects, which can help reduce body odor. I can’t attest to this one or maybe I just haven’t noticed, but I’ll keep using it if that’s a side effect (which is a good one if you ask me).

  3. Boosts immune system: Chlorophyll has immune-boosting properties. There was a study that found that chlorophyll can help increase white blood cell production, which plays a key role in fighting infections and boosting immunity. As we enter the fall with the Flu, RSV, and Covid lingering in the air, now would be a great time to begin drinking chlorophyll to prepare your body for what’s to come. 

  4. Anti-inflammatory properties: Chlorophyll has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help with a lot of inflammatory disorders. There are so many foods out there causing inflammation in our bodies. It's good to know there are other ways to bring that inflammation down in a natural way. 

Are you sold on the benefits? Will you be giving chlorophyll a try?




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