Homemade Non-Toxic Playdough

For 2023, one of my resolutions was to designate each month to a new mom activity and being more conscious of incorporating more playtime with my daughter.

I’ve been planning to make a trip to Walmart or Target to pick up some Play-Doh. But then it hit me…

Why don’t I just make it myself? Specifically a nontoxic version. Naturally I ran to TikTok and Youtube for some tutorials and the options were endless. Many of the recipes called for Cream of Tartar, which I didn’t have sitting in my pantry. Cream of Tartar preserves the lifetime of the playdough. However, I was able to find a recipe that didn’t need cream of tartar, which is a huge plus. Everything in this recipe can be found in everyone’s pantry.

I wanted to test the recipe, so I just used 1/2 of the ingredients for a trial batch. Here is an IG reel and TikTok video if you’d like to follow along on how I made it.

So if you have 30 minutes and would like to make something for your child that is both fun and safe, this is the perfect lazy day activity.

Ingredients (I am making 4 different colors of playdough- you can just make just one color if you’d like)

2 Cups of Flour

1 1/4 Cups Salt

4 Teaspoons of Oil (vegetable, coconut, olive oil, etc.)

1 1/3 Cups Warm Water

Food Coloring

Zip Lock Bags

Directons(These instructions are for making 4 separate colors. You can use the ingredients to make just one color, or two, etc.)

  1. Combine all the dry ingredients into one bowl and mix until fully combined.

  2. Pour 1/3 cup of warm water into 4 separate bowls.

  3. Pour 1 teaspoon of oil into each bowl of water.

  4. Add 5-7 drops of the food coloring of your choice, then mix.

  5. Add 1/2 cup of the flour mixture into each bowl.

  6. Begin stirring the mixture with a spoon. You will have to take the mixture out of the bowl towards the end and begin kneading the playdough until smooth and fully combined.

    • Tip: If you notice the mixture if too dry, keep sprinkling in some water until firm and smooth. If the mixture if too wet of tacky, sprinkle in a tablespoon into the flour mixture until it begins to firm up.

  7. Put the play dough separately into ziplock bags. They can be stored for up to 1-2 months in the refrigerator.

  8. Have fun with your kids and have the peace of mind knowing they’re playing with a nontoxic version that you made =)




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