5 Reasons You Should Hop On The TikTok Sardines Trend


Have ya’ll seen the TikTok trend where all the girlies are consuming sardines for beautiful glowy skin?

I’m all for a trend that works, but after seeing this trend, it reminded me of all the benefits my mom used to tell me about sardines when I was growing up. Growing up in a Jamaican household, sardines were a staple. We would often eat them for breakfast with whole wheat bread and fried plantains, and they honestly tasted really good. Now thinking back, they were one of the quick breakfast meals that I actually loved. But as I got older, I strayed away from consuming them as often as I did, to never consuming them at all.

Now that I am 32 and my goal is to ensure that I am maintaining a nutrient-dense diet, I’m very open to incorporating this canned fish back into my day-to-day diet. After doing a bit more research, I thought it would be helpful to share why you should consider incorporating them into your diet as well because they are an underrated superfood if you ask me.

But first! Make sure you’re only getting sardines in water or olive oil. Stay away from the brands selling them in soybean oil, in salt, etc.

Okay, now here are the benefits:

  1. Protein Packed: Sardines are loaded with anywhere from 18 grams to 23 grams of protein which is a hefty dose of protein if you ask me. After my workouts, I’ll probably opt for these as an after-workout snack instead of a protein shake for my muscle recovery. Protein is essential for muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall body function. Including sardines in your diet can help meet your protein needs, especially if you follow a plant-based diet or have difficulty getting enough protein from other sources.

  2. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Sardines are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and have been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved heart health, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and better cognitive function.

  3. Excellent Source of Nutrients: Sardines are rich in various essential nutrients, including vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, and selenium. Vitamin B12 is crucial for nerve function and the production of red blood cells, while vitamin D is important for bone health and immune function. Calcium is essential for strong bones, and selenium is an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from damage.

  4. Aids in Bone Health: We’re not getting any younger, so keeping those bones intact is imperative. Sardines are one of the few food sources of vitamin D, which plays a vital role in calcium absorption and bone health. Consuming sardines can contribute to maintaining strong bones and reducing the risk of conditions like osteoporosis.

  5. Low in Contaminants: I know, I know! Consuming fish is usually associated with the potential of high mercury intake. However, sardines are relatively low in contaminants like mercury compared to larger fish species, making them a safer choice for regular consumption, especially for pregnant women and young children. They are also at a lower risk of being contaminated with environmental toxins.

Now do you see why I think they’re underrated? They have so many benefits and I feel like not too many people talk about them! The next time you’re at the supermarket, try picking up a few cans and see how you can incorporate them into your meals. I recently began adding them on top of my salads which is a great way to add protein to your meal!

Will you be giving sardines a try?




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