5 Reasons Why You Should Begin Oil Pulling

For the past couple months, I’ve had to go through a few deep cleaning procedures due to some build up under the gums. After getting pregnant in December 2020, I didn’t go back to the dentist until July 2022 (horrible, I know lol. Time flies when you have a kid).

Thanks to Tend, which is a modern dental company (I’ve been going to the Williamsburg location), my gums are back to optimal health. Now that I have that over with, I’m now on a mission to get my overall oral health in tip top shape and better than it’s ever been.

I’ve heard about oil pulling and all of it’s benefits for YEARS now, so I decided to start there. It’s now been over a month now that I have been consistently oil pulling, and I can honestly say I’ve noticed an immediate difference after 3 sessions. I don’t plan on stopping this practice because I see how quick results show.

What is Oil Pulling you ask?

Coconut oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice of swishing coconut oil around in the mouth for several minutes (it’s reccomened that you do this for 15-20 minutes) before spitting it out (in the trash, not the sink because it’ll clog the pipes). Here are five reasons why coconut oil pulling is beneficial for oral health and why you should consider giving it a try.

  1. Reduces bacteria in the mouth: According to a study published in the Nigerian Medical Journal, coconut oil pulling can reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth, which is a major contributor to tooth decay.

  2. Prevents cavities: Coconut oil pulling can help prevent cavities, as noted in a study published in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. The study found that regular oil pulling with coconut oil significantly reduced the incidence of cavities.

  3. Reduces bad breath: Coconut oil pulling can help reduce bad breath, as noted in a study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. The study found that oil pulling with coconut oil was effective in reducing bad breath and improving overall oral health. I noticed that my morning breath was non-existent after oil pulling three days in a row.

  4. Whitens teeth: Coconut oil pulling can help whiten teeth naturally over time, according to a study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. The study found that oil pulling with coconut oil was effective in removing stains from the teeth and improving overall oral health. I plan on getting my teeth professionally whitened this year, but if I can do it naturally for the time being, sign me up.

  5. Promotes gum health: Coconut oil pulling can also promote gum health, as noted in a study published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. The study found that oil pulling with coconut oil was effective in reducing plaque and improving overall gum health.

Overall, coconut oil pulling has been shown to be a beneficial practice for oral health, with a range of benefits.

Will you give it a try?



If you’re interested in doing more of your own research, see below the refernces I pulled the above information from:


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